'You'll have to go outside' she added as she opened the door. 'Sorry Martin she's not seeing you like that' Jackie said as she started pushing him towards the door. Jonny pulled me off the counter and started skipping towards the hallway. 'Oh my god, they're here already!' She said as she looked at a nearly naked, ketchup covered Martin. Just then we heard the door open and Adam shout Hi, Jackie spun round and looked in horror. 'Thank god you're here' Jackie smiled as me and she eye rolled her son. 'And you'll be nice won't you Jonny-boo' Jackie whined. 'Of course I'll be bloody normal' Martin replied as he started to lick ketchup off his arm. 'Please try and be normal for Adams girlfriend!' Jackie begged her husband. 'But it's a waste!' Martin exclaimed, causing me to chuckle to myself. 'Thank you, but none of us want to catch a disease tonight!' Jackie said as she removed the dish and spoon from Martins hands. 'But not as hideous as that' Jonny said as we all looked at Martin to see him scrapping the tomato sauce off his chest and putting it back into the dish. Nothing else has happened between us since that kiss Christmas Day, we've just been acting like it never happened. We all fell quiet, Jonny gave me a sideways glance. 'Well, at least he's got a girlfriend Jonathon!' Jackie snapped as she stirred the saucepan. 'Hideous' Jonny joked as he stood next to me, 'I wonder what she's like?' I said excitedly as I jumped up on the side. 'Oh I know! Adam and Emma, Emma and Adam!' Jackie cheered.

'Anyway, it's a big night tonight mum' Jonny said, 'Haha!' Jonny said sarcastically as he pulled my scarf up and over my face. 'Yeah, his face scares a lot of people' I joked as I stuck my tongue out at Jonny. 'Jonny scared me and made me tip sauce all over me' Martin pointed out.

'What's happened?' I asked as I gave Jackie a kiss on the cheek. I trundled through to the kitchen to see Jackie stood by the oven, Martin covered in ketchup and Jonny eating cream. 'Hello love!' Jackie Shouted back from the kitchen, 'Hi everyone!' I shouted as I hung my coat up and pulled my gloves off. I walked into the Goodmans house, it was now the middle of January and I was absolutely freezing.